
Thematic scope, aim, and specificity of the journal

Studia Philosophiae Christianae (SPCh) is a philosophical journal (currently a biannual) edited at the Institute of Philosophy of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw. The SPCh publishes original articles on all subdisciplines of philosophy, as well as book reviews and reports on events and research on the subject of philosophy and biographical and academic memories of people belonging to the philosophical environment. The spectrum of thematic references may also refer to other sciences, especially the humanities and social sciences.

The journal aims to create a platform for the presentation of the results of scholar research and for the exchange of ideas related to philosophical activities of national and international range. The journal refers to the main methodological premise of the research conducted at the Institute of Philosophy at CSWU in Warsaw, indicating the necessity of a contemporary, diverse, dialogical, free, and unbiased approach to contemporary philosophical issues. Hence the motto of the journal: "Philosophy free from prejudice". This approach is evidenced by the publication of philosophical texts from various philosophical subdisciplines as well as from various worldviews. Additionally, the journal is open to publications referring to other sciences and fields of cognition in which philosophical issues may be found. Hence our readiness to publish papers containing findings of specialists in many other branches of science, e.g. anthropologists, political scientists, sociologists, psychologists, pedagogues, lawyers, economists, and theologians, referring to philosophy. The journal profiled in this way enables a creative exchange of thoughts and experiences of representatives of various philosophical centers and people engaged in philosophical issues from Poland and abroad. The journal is open to cooperation with representatives of all foreign centers, which is confirmed by the presence on the Advisory Board of the journal of persons representing various academic institutions from 9 countries (Austria, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Republic of South Africa, Slovakia, Sweden, Hungary, Italy).

SPCh also has its specificity, which is the publication of articles in the field of classical philosophy, and in particular, its continuation within the framework of broadly understood Christian philosophy, falling within the issues of theoretical and practical philosophy. This specificity results from the history of the journal, as well as from the worldview character of the academic center where it is published. Hence the name of the journal, which is mainly historically conditioned, but is also meant to reflect its specificity, although this does not mean closing itself to other trends of philosophical thought.

Articles are published in Polish and in congress languages (English, French, German, Spanish) with particular emphasis on publications in English.

No fees are charged for the authors of the published texts for the review and publication process.

The SPCh provides open access to published content in accordance with the principle that research freely available increases and accelerates the global development of science and the exchange of knowledge.

History of the journal

Studia Philosophiae Christianae has been published continuously since 1965. The founders of the journal were prof. Józef Iwanicki and prof. Kazimierz Kłósak. SPCh was edited by researchers of the Faculty of Christian Philosophy of the Academy of Catholic Theology in Warsaw, and since 2000 - by the philosophical staff of the Institute of Philosophy of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw. Until 2010 the SPCh was a biannual, in 2011-2020 - a quarterly, and from 2021 again a biannual.

From the beginning, the journal has published works in the field of philosophy (and initially also psychology) on its main disciplines: history of philosophy, metaphysics, philosophy of God, philosophy of religion, philosophy of nature, anthropology, epistemology, logic, methodology of science, philosophy of science, ethics, and bioethics. In the 1960s and 1970s, articles arguing with Marxist philosophy were also published.

SPCh participated in programs financed by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education: "Działalność Upowszechniająca Naukę" (Activities for the dissemination of science) and "Program wsparcia czasopism naukowych" (Supporting program for scientific journals).

Currently, a project funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology "Development of Scientific Journals" (2022-2024) is underway, which aims to develop publishing and editing practices and their impact on the maintenance of a journal in international circulation.

Former editors-in-chief:

  • 1965 - 1973 - prof. Józef Iwanicki
  • 1973 - 1977 - prof. Kazimierz Kłósak
  • 1978 - 1981 - prof. Tadeusz Ślipko
  • 1981 - 1988 - prof. Mieczysław Lubański
  • 1988 - 1995 - prof. Szczepań W. Ślaga
  • 1996 - 2020 - prof. Anna Latawiec
  • since November 2020 - prof. Adam Świeżyński

Data of the journal

  • ISSN: 0585-5470
  • e-ISSN: 2720-0531
  • Publisher: The Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University Press (https://wydawnictwo.uksw.edu.pl/)
  • Scientific disciplines: Humanities (philosophy, and also other philosophical sub-disciplines)
  • Databases and repositories where the SPCh is available
    • BazHum (link)
    • CEJSH - The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (link)
    • ERIH+ (link)
    • CEEOL - Central and Eastern European Online Library (link)
    • EBSCO
    • Sherpa Romeo (link)
    • DOAJ (link)
    • ICI Journals Master List (link)
    • PBN - Polish Scientific Bibliography (link)
    • Library of Science / Biblioteka Nauki (link)
    • Most Wiedzy (link)
    • Scilit (link)
    • ROAD: Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources (link)
    • Philosopher's Index (link)


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