Author Guidelines

Stages of accepting and editing the text submitted for publication in SPCh

Stage 1: Preparation and submission of the text to the Editors Office
- Texts should be submitted by e-mail (, in Word (* .doc, * .docx) or RTF format, and - if the article contains a non-standard font or drawings - in PDF format or via the journal's platform and submitting the article in the system (the condition for submitting the text in this way is (1) prior registration on the platform; (2) logging in; (3) selecting the Submit an article tab).
- Texts submitted for publication should have the following general structure: title - abstract - keywords - main text divided into an introductory part, titled and numbered main parts, a closing part - bibliography.
- Text formatting: main text font size: 12 pt. / font size in footnotes: 11 pt. / line spacing: 1.5 lines / margins: 2.5 cm.
- Distinctions in the text should be avoided (bold, underline, extended print, etc.), except for italics used in the case of quoted titles and foreign terms and expressions.
- Quotes in the text should be written in straight type, in quotation marks, internal quotations (quotation in the quote) - in »German« quotation marks.
- When using special characters (e.g. logical symbols, mathematical symbols, Greek alphabet), a file with the appropriate font should be attached.
- The first page of the text should be started with the name and surname of the Author, on the next line - affiliation (employing unit), then (after an appropriate space) - the title of the text. Please provide additional information about the Author (ORCID, address, telephone number, e-mail) in the body of the e-mail or in a separate attachment.
- The text should be accompanied by the abstract in English, as well as a list of 3-8 keywords. The style of the summary should be impersonal.
- An article abstract should concisely present: (1) the addressed problem, (2) the purpose of the study, (3) its findings, and (4) conclusions. The abstract should contain 150-200 words.
- Bibliographic citations and the final bibliography should be prepared according to the formula provided in the Citation method tab: Citation form
- The size of the text should not exceed 40.000 characters (including footnotes and spaces). In exceptional cases, it is possible to increase the volume of the text after consultation with the Editorial Board.
- Possible diagrams and drawings should constitute one whole (as "grouped drawing" or "frame") to avoid their distortion while formatting the text for printing.
- If you do not receive the confirmation of receipt of the text from the Editorial Office within 10 days, please contact us again by e-mail.
- Submitting the material to the Editorial Office is tantamount to the author's declaration of the originality of the text, not publishing it earlier and not submitting it for publication in another editorial office, and that it will not be submitted anywhere at the time when it is reviewed for SPCh.
- Information on entities should be disclosed in an appropriate manner in the materials provided. which contributed to the publication (substantive input, possible sources of financing, etc.).
Stage 2: Initial evaluation by the Editors of the submitted text
- The Editorial Board initially assesses the text in terms of its compliance with the thematic profile of the journal and the correctness and completeness of the formal page.
- The SPCh editors check the originality of the submitted articles using the iThenticate system.
- In the case of a positive evaluation, the text is sent for review.
- In the case of a negative assessment of the compliance of the paper content with the journal's profile or lack of originality, the text is rejected.
- If it is necessary to supplement or correct the formal side of the text, it is forwarded to the author for changes. After taking them, in accordance with the editorial staff's comments, the text is sent for review.
- In the case of the author's disagreement with making the necessary changes and additions to the formal side, the text is rejected by the Editorial Board.
- In each case, the Editorial Board informs the author of its decision.
Stage 3 and 4: Reviews of the text
- After receiving the review of the text from the reviewers, the Editorial Board informs the author about the opinion of the reviewers.
- In the case of a unanimously negative opinion of the reviewers, the text is rejected by the Editorial Board.
- In the case of significantly divergent opinions of the reviewers, the text is sent to the next reviewer.
- After collecting all reviews, the Editorial Board decides on one of the following decisions: (1) accepting the paper for publication, if the reviews agree in this regard; (2) sending the paper back to the author for corrections suggested in the reviews; (3) rejection of the paper, if the reviews agree in this respect or when the reviewers suggest changes that go so far that, in the opinion of the Editorial Board, taking them into account would require the preparation of the new paper.
- The submitted paper is accepted for publication when the suggested amendments have been included or the author has convincingly justified his disagreement with some of them. Otherwise, the paper is rejected.
- More see: Review process and forms
Stage 5: Publication of the text
- The text finally qualified for publication is subject to editorial and proofreading work by the Editorial Board.
- The author receives the final version of the text for the purpose of the author's correction.
- Changes and corrections reported by the author are taken into account by the Editors unless they mean the need to re-review the text.
- Failure to submit the proprietary corrected paper to the Editorial Board within 90 days of its sending to the author without giving reasons shall mean resignation from publication of the text.
- The author gives final consent to the publication of the text in the version of the paper agreed with the Editorial Board.
- Before publication, the author signs documents that regulate the following issues: (1) consent to the processing of personal data; (2) in the case of multi-author works, information on the percentage of individual authors' contributions and an indication of the scope of works performed by them; (3) acceptance of ethical rules; (4) Agreement with the UKSW Press (downloadable forms at the bottom of the page).
- The editorial office informs the author about publishing the paper in electronic and printed versions.
Additional information:
- The average time for processing the submitted publication (from the moment of the submission to the publication) is about 180 days (pre-qualification: 10 days; reviews: uo to 30 days [in the summer period - July-August - it may increase up to 60 days]; editorial wokrs, linguistic revision, proofreading and typesetting: approx. 140 days).
- Reported reviews of book publications may refer to books published not earlier than 1 year (in the case of publications in Polish) and 2 years (in the case of publications in a foreign language), counting from the date of submission of the review.
- Reports on events may be submitted for events that took place not earlier than 1 year from the date of submitting the report.
Documents for Author to download:
Copyright Notice
The policy regarding copyrights of articles published at Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University’s journals is as follows: the authors retain the copyright of published articles. However, the author(s) declare that they grant the UKSW a free, non-exclusive license to use the article published in SPCh, in whole or in part, in all known fields of exploitation referred to in Art. 50 of the Copyright and Related Rights Act.
Articles published in journals published at UKSW are under the terms of a Creative Commons license CC BY-ND 4.0 International which permits:
- Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format; for any purpose, even commercially.
Under the following terms:
- Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
- NoDerivatives — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material.
Publication Fees Policy: Authors do not bear any costs associated with the publication of their articles, i.e. article processing charges (APCs), language editing fees, colour charges, submission fees, page charges, membership fees, print subscription costs, other supplementary charges. Authors also do not receive any financial gratification for the published articles.
Policy regarding depositing different versions of materials submitted to journals published at UKSW is as follows: authors are allowed to deposit: (1) submitted version, (2) accepted version, and (3) published version of their articles in an institutional or other repository of the author’s choice without embargo.
Privacy Statement
The SPCh Editorial Board ensures compliance with the privacy policy and protects the personal data of cooperating authors. Entrusted data are used solely for the purposes of the publishing process. Detailed information about personal data protection policy in force at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw is included in the information clause available on the website. Any breach of personal data protection can be reported via the UKSW website