Citation format

In SPCh journal APA style of citation is used: APA Style - Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition). Please, prepare your manuscript according to APA style rules.

More details see:



In special cases and in cases of doubt, the method of citation shall be determined in consultation with the Editorial Board.

Submitted texts containing significant deviations from the citation and bibliography rules stated may not be considered.

The 60th Anniversary of the SPCh

SPCh Anniversary Conference


Presentation of the 60 most interesting articles published in SPCh: '60/60 the best of SPCh' (Announcements)


Presentation of events, figures and interesting facts from the history of the SPCh: '60 year have passed...' (Announcements)


Supported by Ministry of Education and Science RP

ISSN: 0585-5470
eISSN: 2720-0531

Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie

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