Veröffentlicht am: 2017-09-20

Bóg łaskawy. W stronę bardziej personalistycznej charytologii

Izabella Smentek
Studia Theologica Varsaviensia
Rubrik: Artykuły


The theology of grace focuses on God’s self-giving. In this mystery God gives not a thing but Himself. He invites human being to participate in His trinitarian life and makes this possible. The teaching of contemporary Popes - St. John Paul II and Benedict XVI involves the personalistic issues while dealing with the mystery of grace. In this personalistic language is spoken rather about choice of person than (pre-)destination. The response for God’s gift comes from reason and will, but it’s pointed that it goes through paths of truth and freedom.

Biblical examples show the rules of God’s grace. These are: Mary - full of grace, Paul and Cornelius. These cases present the intrinsic way of God’s self-giving. It’s to realize that the mystery of grace reveals the truth about the condition of person who is to accept the gift of salvation. In the light of the Holy Spirit one learns clearly about the God’s intentions and is invited to follow them. The grace acts in the light of the truth and gives an impulse to freedom. It can be accepted only voluntarily, is fulfilled within the Church and brings ecclesial fruits.

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Smentek, I. (2017). Bóg łaskawy. W stronę bardziej personalistycznej charytologii. Studia Theologica Varsaviensia, 54(2), 75–104.

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