Published: 2017-09-20

Antropologiczna kategoria wstydu i jej nośność w pismach Nowego Testamentu

Janusz Kręcidło
Studia Theologica Varsaviensia
Section: Artykuły


The article aims at exploring the anthropological notion of shame in the circum- -Mediterranean culture and at showing its impact on the interpretation of the New Testament. Shame in this culture was not perceived – like today – as a kind of negative emotion but as social anti-value, the antonym of honor. Depending on the social status of a family in which one was born, he or she participated in honor or shame of relatives. Every man was obliged to acquire each day honor for himself and his family. Honor being a limited good could be lost. Loosing honor meant that the whole family, real or fictive, ran into shame. Examining three passages from the New Testament, namely Jesus genealogy (Matt. 1:1-17), his confrontations with Pharisees and Scribes narrated in Mark 11 – 12, and passion narrative according to John 18 – 19, the author of the article shows the impact of honor and shame culture for proper understanding of the message of the New Testament.


honor and shame, social-scientific approach, Matthew 1, 1-17, Mark 1112, John 18-19

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Kręcidło, J. (2017). Antropologiczna kategoria wstydu i jej nośność w pismach Nowego Testamentu. Studia Theologica Varsaviensia, 54(1), 19–34.

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