Published: 2022-10-17

Man in the face of suffering. Pedagogical perspective

Jan Niewęgłowski
Pedagogical Forum
Section: Colloquia


Suffering, in its broad sense, is present in every person’s life. Suffering accompanies each individual human being at every degree of longitude and latitude and it can, therefore, be considered a universal theme. Suffering coexists with man, and thus it belongs to those areas of human activity and reflection that are constantly undertaken anew. Even though suffering can be discerned in the animal world, the concept of “suffering” seems to affect man in a particular way, and it is an inherent part of human existence. Suffering may reveal to man his own depth and layers of his personality, which he might otherwise often remain unaware of. Human earthly life begins and is fulfilled between immanence and transcendence. For a believer, suffering belongs to the latter. Suffering may reveal itself in many different forms and degrees of intensity. In spite of many attempts to seek an answer to the question “why”, suffering still remains the great mystery. Therefore, a suffering man should always evoke in us the feeling of compassion and respect. As far as possible one should offer him help, comfort and hope. The process of education should sensitize young people to the presence of suffering both in their life as well as in that of others around them.


person, physical and spiritual suffering, suffering in the Bible, the mystery of suffering, help to the suffering man

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Niewęgłowski, J. (2022). Man in the face of suffering. Pedagogical perspective. Pedagogical Forum, 12(1), 407–418.

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