Published: 2018-04-06

How do traumatic Shoah-witness testimonies fit into German History Education?

Katalin Eszter Morgan
Pedagogical Forum
Section: Colloquia


This essay traces ways in which traumatic Shoah witness testimonies fit into German history curricula conceptually by highlighting the competencies with which pupils are meant to grasp the topic of National Socialism and the Holocaust. Such curricula are diverse and they keep the learning objectives and teaching methods pertaining to emotions, imagination and ethical dimensions - as relevant to the topic - abstractly vague. This poses certain challenges and opportunities for history teachers and pupils.  One such opportunity is the incorporation of virtual video-graphed Shoah witness testimonies that by their nature are emotional as they narrate traumatic memories. The opportunity in such narrations lies in assigning the function of tertiary witnessing to pupils and this process is briefly described. The challenges of using such oral histories can be understood as those that clash with the non-discursively organised knowledge in pursuit of truth (verifiable facts) by means of what is traditionally considered historical evidence.


Holocaust Education, emotions, trauma, history curriculum, Geschichtsdidaktik, competencies, dualism

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Morgan, K. E. (2018). How do traumatic Shoah-witness testimonies fit into German History Education?. Pedagogical Forum, 8(1), 273–285.

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