Published: 2016-11-16

SoCrates Cafe As a way for teachers of philosophy and ethics to develop their own philosophical attitude

Anna Grodek
Pedagogical Forum
Section: Topic


Teaching philosophy and ethics in Polish education system below academic level is a multidimensional problem. Author notices contradictions that affect the role of a teacher and are related to educational competences and to the more general problem of the ‘philosophical attitude’. The solution to some of the mentioned problems is the phenomenon of Socrates Cafe – discussion groups of philosophy enthusiasts. For the author, Socrates Cafe is a way to enrich educational practices and improve oneself as a philosophy and ethics teacher.


teaching philosophy and ethics, teacher’s competence, philosophical attitude, Socrates Cafe

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Grodek, A. (2016). SoCrates Cafe As a way for teachers of philosophy and ethics to develop their own philosophical attitude. Pedagogical Forum, 5(1), 35–47.

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