Życie synodalne metropolii gnieźnieńskiej oraz diecezji pruskich i frankońskichkońca XIV i pierwszej połowy XV wieku (uwagi na marginesie najnowszych badań) - cz. 1

Leszek Zygner
Saeculum Christianum. Historical Writings
Section: Rozprawy i Artykuły


The subject of this paper are the synods of the Gniezno metropolis as well as the Prussian and Franconian dioceses of 1378-1449. According to the preserved sources, 71 diocesan synods took place during that period, including 43 in the metropolis of Gniezno, 15 in the Prussian dioceses, and 13 in the Franconian dioceses as well as 17 provincial synods (14 in the metropolis of and 3 in the metropolis of Riga). The frequency of synods in individual dioceses confirms that after the period of stagnation that began in the mid-fourteenth century, there was a significant synodal revival in the first half of the fifteenth century, especially during the Council of Basel, and then of Florence and Rome.


synodal life, Poland, Prussia, Franconia, late Middle Ages

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Zygner, L. (2021). Życie synodalne metropolii gnieźnieńskiej oraz diecezji pruskich i frankońskichkońca XIV i pierwszej połowy XV wieku (uwagi na marginesie najnowszych badań) - cz. 1 . Saeculum Christianum. Historical Writings, 28(1), 14–37. https://doi.org/10.21697/sc.2021.28.1.2

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