Anthropological basis of prayer. A philosophical-religious study
Marian Jaworski
Nowadays, when for many prayer does not make any sense, the author attempts at showing what prayer is, taking into account an understanding of human person, especially that provided by Karol Wojtyła, Rmano Guardini and Richard Schaeffler. Human person, while enjoying absolute, intrinsic dignity, is at the same time related to another person. Its structure is dialogical. Its source is God who creates it by calling it as his “you”. In this calling human person, in turn, recognizes God as their “You” and may call His Name.
anthropology, religion, prayer, Wojtyla Karol, Guardini Romano, Schaeffler Richard
Jaworski, M. (2017). Anthropological basis of prayer. A philosophical-religious study. Studia Philosophiae Christianae, 51(1), 5–15. Retrieved from