Published: 2020-06-30

The birth of philosophical therapy from the spirit of antiquity. Toward becoming a person

Tomasz Femiak
Studia Philosophiae Christianae
Section: Papers


This paper lists the problems that philosophical therapy deals with and tries to provide a definition of philosophical therapy. In particular, we find references to Homeric psychology, contemporary therapeutic trends, and examples of the use of philosophical therapy (observation records after individual sessions of philosophical therapy or group work). This article develops the connections between philosophical therapy and the ancient understanding of philosophy (ancient spiritual exercises). The focal point of our considerations concerns the application of philosophical therapy to the process of becoming a person.


Received: 27/01/2020. Reviewed: 03/03/2020. Accepted: 30/03/2020


becoming a person, philosophical therapy, practical philosophy, Homeric psychology, spiritual exercises, conscious speaking, self-presence, psyche

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Femiak, T. (2020). The birth of philosophical therapy from the spirit of antiquity. Toward becoming a person. Studia Philosophiae Christianae, 56(2), 109–126.

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