Opublikowane: 2021-07-31

The Conception of Logic in the Cracow Circle: Salamucha, Drewnowski, Bocheński

Roman Murawski
Studia Philosophiae Christianae
Dział: Artykuły naukowe


The aim of this paper is to present and analyse the views on logic of the members of the so-called Cracow Circle, namely the Dominican Father Józef (Innocenty) M. Bocheński, Rev. Jan Salamucha, and Jan Franciszek Drewnowski. They tried to apply the methods of modern formal/mathematical logic to philosophical and theological problems. In particular, they attempted to modernise contemporary Thomism (the trend which was then prevailing) by employing logical tools. The influence of Jan Łukasiewicz, the co-founder of the Warsaw School of Logic will be also discussed.


Zgłoszono: 16/01/2021. Zrecenzowano: 24/03/2021. Zaakceptowano do publikacji: 13/05/2021.

Słowa kluczowe:

formal logic, philosophy, theology, Thomism, Cracow Circle

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Zasady cytowania

Murawski, R. (2021). The Conception of Logic in the Cracow Circle: Salamucha, Drewnowski, Bocheński. Studia Philosophiae Christianae, 57(1), 109–125. https://doi.org/10.21697/spch.2021.57.A.06

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