About the journal

"Theological Studies Bialystok Drohiczyn Lomża" is a scientific journal that undertakes theological reflection. Established in 1983 on the initiative of Bishop prof. Edward Ozorowski (UKSW) and Fr. prof. Jozef M. Dolęga (UKSW) in order to publish the scientific achievements of the theologians of the Bialystok Metropolis. The journal, being an annual, has been published continuously since 1983.

The home university center for "Theological Studies Bialystok Drohiczyn Lomża" is the Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw. We undertake cooperation with national and foreign university centers. The high substantive level of the journal is evidenced by the presence in the scientific council of outstanding specialists, university scientists from Europe and North America. The journal is reviewed by scientists recognized in their field, and the reviewing procedure is open and transparent thanks to the electronic system Platform & Workfow by OJS/PKP.

The thematic scope of published articles is very wide. They primarily concern a man immersed in the modern world, and at the same time open to God. The journal wants to be a kind of "areopagus" where various theological views clash. He remains interested in such scientific disciplines as:

1.      philosophy, especially the philosophy of man and the philosophy of culture2.      theology, including dogmatic, fundamental, moral, pastoral, and spiritual theology3.      literary studies, especially history and theory of literature and religious literature4.      psychological and pedagogical sciences

"Theological Studies Bialystok Drohiczyn Lomża" are open to cooperation and want to build a thriving intellectual environment that will undertake multi-faceted reflection in the theological perspective and broadly understood humanities. We provide scientists of various disciplines in the humanities and social sciences from university centers in Poland and abroad with the pages of a reviewed journal and we invite you to publish scientific texts that are the result of reliable research, as well as reports and reviews. The language for most scientific articles is Polish, however, for greater openness, we recommend publishing in congress languages.

We encourage authors and readers to familiarize themselves with the website of our journal.

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  • BazHum
  • IC Journals Master List
  • PBN - Polska Bibliografia Naukowa
  • filozofia, literaturoznawstwo, nauki biblijne, nauki teologiczne, pedagogika, polonistyka, psychologia
MEiN 40 (2023)
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For reviewers

Are you interested in reviewing texts in this journal? We recommend familiarizing yourself with the content of the 'About the Journal' page, where necessary information is provided. Then, please register on the journal's website. In the registration form, please select the option: 'Yes, send a request to grant the role: Reviewer'. If you already have a user account in this system, you can expand your permissions to include the role of a reviewer in the editing of your profile. A request to review a specific article will be sent to you via email.

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