
Scope and coverage of the journal

Studia Theologica Varsaviensia (Online) ISSN 2956-5197

The journal is assigned to the following disciplines: philosophy, literature studies, sociological sciences, canon law, theological sciences. The journal consists of the following main sections: dissertations and articles (presented thematically) and a "Varia" section containing other scientific articles.


Review process

The article is reviewed with the anonymity of the reviewers.

The reviewer fills out a review form

The article is accepted in full, with appropriate corrections, or it is not suitable for publication.

The final decision is made by the Editorial Board.

Publication schedule

Semi-annual, original paper and online version

Open access policy

The journal provides immediate, open access to all its content in accordance with the principle that freely accessible research enhances and accelerates global scientific development and knowledge exchange.


dr hab. Andrzej Adamski, prof. WSiZ
dr Agnieszka Barczyk-Sitkowska
o. prof. dr hab. Andrzej Derdziuk
ks. prof. dr hab. Jan Górski
dr hab. Karolina Kochańczyk-Bonińska
ks. dr hab. Wiesław Kraiński, prof. UMK
ks. dr hab. Wiesław Łużyński, prof. UMK
dr Radosław Malinowski
dr. hab. Bartosz Nowakowski, prof. UPH
ks. dr hab. Piotr Piasecki, prof. UAM
dr Teresa Stankiewicz
dr hab. Mariusz Szajda, prof. AS
ks. prof. dr hab. Janusz Szulist
dr Maria Szymańska
ks. dr hab. Tadeusz Zadykiewicz, prof. 7KUL
ks. dr Grzegorz Zieliński


History of the journal

In 1954, the Academy of Catholic Theology was founded from the fusion of the Faculty of Catholic Theology of the University of Warsaw and the Faculty of Theology of the Jagiellonian University. In 1963, permission was obtained to create the semiannual journal Studia Theologica Varsaviensia, which was originally also used by the Faculty of Christian Philosophy (until 1965, when it created its own journal Studia Philosophiae Christianae). Rev. Prof. Marian Michalski became the first editor. Currently, the function has been held by Rev. Dr. Jaroslaw A. Sobkowiak since 2005

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