Published: 2016-09-20

Interdisciplinary Aspects of Theological Family Protection

Studia Theologica Varsaviensia
Section: Artykuły


Pointing out to the interdisciplinary aspects in the discourse on the contemporary family crisis, the author of the article refers both to the awareness of contemporary parents as well as to the scientific accomplishments of S. Olejnik, the most distin- guished theologian and moralist in Poland of the second half of the 20th century. Professor, from the beginning of his scientific activity, was aware of the need for dialogue of moral theology not only with other theological sciences, but also with the results of contemporary human sciences.
The article emphasises the convergence of the triple research perspective in the- ology and psychology of Ph. Zimbardo. Theology speaks of the ontological status of the entities of family life, contemporary conditions of the marital relationship as well as church strategy for family protection. Ph. Zimbardo, describing the fatherhood crisis, examines the behavioural context of an individual and its features, analysing the situation connected with the particular social and physical environment as well as reveals the system of forces that creates, sustains and modifies the situation. Such a research context allows the author of the article to consider the personal nature of women and men as entities of family life, apply a critical approach to the reductionist description of the family situation by the contemporary sciences as well as to emphasise the ecclesial nature of the system of forces forming the strategy for family protection.

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MROCZKOWSKI, I. (2016). Interdisciplinary Aspects of Theological Family Protection. Studia Theologica Varsaviensia, 53(2), 69–88.

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