Academic Journal of Sociology accepts only original texts. Authors should not submit texts that were submitted or published elsewhere in an academic journal.
Publishing an article in the Academic Journal of Sociology is free of charge. Neither editorial work nor paper-back journal version bring any costs for the authors.
Please, submit manuscripts only according to the manuscript submission procedure (aforementioned link "=> submit a manuscript". Every text should contain the 100-300 words abstract in Polish and English and key words also in Polish and English. Kind request to follow technical requirements.
Technical requirements
1. Manuscript should be type-written in A4 format with continuous numbering at the top of the page (centred), same-sized 2.5 cm margins, Times New Roman 12 pt font, 1.5 line spacing, with no blank lines, 1.25 cm indentation, justification (please, do not divide words or move single letters to the next line – page makeup software will perform it automatically).
2. Minimal length of the submitted manuscript or research report is 0.5 of publisher’s sheet (20,000 characters with spaces). This requirement does not apply to the reviews or reports. Maximum length of the submitted manuscript (article, review, research report) is 1 publisher’s sheet (40,000 characters with spaces).
3. Please, write manuscript title with CAPITAL LETTERS and subheading with normal lower-case letters.
Both title and subheadings should be written in bold and centred. The file name should include only first three words of manuscript title.
4. In order to ensure author’s anonymity in the review process, academic title, name, affiliation, address and telephone should be attached in a separate file. The file name should include first three words of manuscript title and words “personal data”.
5. Please, save and send files in editable .doc, .docx or .odt format.
“Author-year” system citations and attachment bibliography
1. If you cite a specific source in a manuscript, please, provide author’s or editor’s surname, publication year and if necessary after colon page number in the round brackets immediately after a quote or the similar place requiring citation. If the cited source does not have an author or an editor, and has been prepared by organization or institution, please, provide their names. If you cite collective work with no author, editor, organization or institution mentioned as responsible for publication, please, write first word from the title. For example: (Szczepański 1969: 31), (GUS 2014), (Projektowanie…).
2. Please, include full citations of the sources used in the manuscript in the attachment bibliography according to the following scheme. If you use documents that are available on-line, please, provide the date of your access in the square brackets:
Szczepański J. (1969), Elementarne pojęcia socjologii. Warszawa: PWN.
Welland A.P. (1991), Ukryte porównania. ,,Studia Socjologiczne” 1-2: 91-108.
Janicka K. (1970), Społeczne aspekty ruchliwości geografcznej [w:] W. Wesołowski (red.), Zróżnicowanie społeczne. Wrocław: Ossolineum, s. 21-37.
GUS (2014), Prognoza ludności na lata 2014-2050. Warszawa, portalinformacyjny/pl/defaultaktualnosci/54... [access: 1.02.2017].
Projektowanie i zlecanie ewaluacji wpływu opartych na sytuacji kontrfaktycznej. Praktyczne wytyczne dla Instytucji Zarządzających EFS,
Documents/Prz... [access: 27.02.2017].
3. Please, insert all other types of citations as footnotes. Be sure to keep their quantity as low as possible, only if you need to clarify something or add necessary comments.
4. Please, attach to manuscript:
– Signed and scanned manuscript content statement:
Authors’ names and surname
I(We) declare that I (we) am/are the sole author/s of the manuscript titled .…………………………….. submitted for publication in “Academic Journal of Sociology”. Nobody except for the mentioned authors made any significant contribution in this manuscript. There is nobody among the mentioned authors who made little or no contribution in the manuscript.
Moreover I(we) declare that I(we) have not published or submitted a manuscript anywhere else for publication in English or any other language.
– (If applies) Information on the sources of funding the publication (e.g. author's scholarship, research grant), contribution of academic and research institutions, associations and other entities (financial disclosure).
Guidelines for authors
1. We expect that articles (reviews, research reports) concern the sociological subject matters in terms of the contemporary or classical approaches. Each volume has a thematic or hybrid character We will send relevant information concerning the topics of the future volumes to all the interested authors. After closing the volume call Editorial Board decides on acceptance or rejection of the sent texts taking into consideration their topics and compliance with technical requirements.
2. Please, submit your manuscript formatted according to the editorial information posted on the journal webpage.
3. Please, be available for contact by the editorial assistant or managing editor (via the manuscript submission procedure).
4. We will inform authors about formal acceptance or rejection as well as sending or not their manuscripts to reviewers.
5. We will inform authors about subsequent editing or proofreading stages.
6. After signing relevant authorship agreement an author will receive an author’s copy of the UCS journal.