Published: 2023-10-20

Eksploracja zagadnień ezoteryki i nowej duchowości. Raport z badań pilotażowych wśród studentów 2021/2022

Mateusz Grzyb , Weronika Jaworska
Academic Journal of Sociology
Section: Research reports


Postmodern society challenges include constant changes, liquidity and new forms of spirituality, which doesn’t vanish – as secularization thesis implied – but is transforming. Current state of religion and religiousness studies doesn’t cover the entire research area, especially the non-institutional aspect (spirituality outside the dogmatic “church” beliefs). Within the project, a quantitative pilot study involving 183 students was conducted. Responders shared their “esoteric knowledge”, beliefs and opinions, practices and their reasons, theories about life after death as well as definitions of God. The study is not of representative value, however it intends to start a discussion and propose some ways and directions regarding future empiric exploration over new spirituality.


sociology of spirituality, new spirituality, esoteric, pilot study, postmodern spirituality, alternative spirituality

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Grzyb, M., & Jaworska, W. (2023). Eksploracja zagadnień ezoteryki i nowej duchowości. Raport z badań pilotażowych wśród studentów 2021/2022. Academic Journal of Sociology, 31(1), 55–63.

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