Published: 2016-12-31

Axiological emanations in the professional ethos by paradigm of Clifford Geertz

Sławomir H. Zaręba , Marcin Choczyński


The theme of this article is specific impact of values considered socially important (especially religious)in the context of professional work and the associated moral code of conduct. This subject will be discussedin relation to the findings of the research proposed by American anthropologist, classic of social thoughtand also a great humanist, Clifford Geertz. Manifold topics undertaking issues of morality at work, requiresociological and anthropological analysis, especially nowadays. This is because we can still observe a constantprocess of change in the professional work itself, which is accompanied by a permanent state of anomy. Forsocial researchers this is a great scope for interpretation and new arrangements of both theoretical andempirical sphere.


Clifford Geertz, symbolization, interpretive theory of anthropological thought, thick description

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Zaręba, S. H., & Choczyński, M. (2016). Axiological emanations in the professional ethos by paradigm of Clifford Geertz. Academic Journal of Sociology, 17(4). Retrieved from

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