Published: 2016-12-31

Religious education in the context of religiosity transformation. Two research perspectives

Wojciech Sadłoń


The issue considered in this article is extremely broad. It concerns not only religious education but alsochanges within religiosity. Therefore, the analysis of relations between the two research areas were narroweddown on the basis of two concepts of religious change: system-functionalisic and socialization approach.From this two perspectives, two different approaches to the study of mutual relations between religiouseducation and religion are presented. Theoretical considerations provide a starting point to review of Polishresearch on mutual dependence of religious education and religious transformation. This article aims toanswer the question whether on the basis of research carried out today, it is possible to verify how religiouseducation in Poland is a factor of religious change.


religious education, religiosity, secularisation, socialization

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Sadłoń, W. (2016). Religious education in the context of religiosity transformation. Two research perspectives. Academic Journal of Sociology, 17(4). Retrieved from

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