Published: 2016-12-31

How religious? Conclusions of cognitive interviews for research about religiosity of Poles

Marta Bożewicz


The transformation of religion, described both from the theoretical perspective, as well as in the literaturebased on the results of empirical research, there is much harder to capture using a survey. Perhaps thestatistics – inherently conservative – are not able to illustrate the change, of the meaning of the conceptscontained in the survey questions.Cognitive interview methods have been developed since 1980s, to pre-test questionnaires to identifypotential sources of response error and to ensure clarity and relevance (Willis 1999, Collins 2003, Drennan2003, Tourangeau 1984). They can also be used to assess the coherence and problems with wording andframing of existing questions, images and information. Utilizing cognitive interviewing techniques leads tounderstanding how the questions or tasks are perceived and interpreted from the respondent’s perspective.In this paper I present the results of the study of using cognitive interviews on questions about the religiosity.The paper presents the diversity of religious Poles, discovers understanding of terms used in survey questionsabout the religiosity from the WVS, CBOS or ISKK polls and the way of arriving at an answer. It alsomentions the consequences for the interpretation of the change of religiosity in Poland.


religiosity, survey, cognitive interview, understanding concepts, interpreting questionnaires

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Bożewicz, M. (2016). How religious? Conclusions of cognitive interviews for research about religiosity of Poles. Academic Journal of Sociology, 17(4). Retrieved from

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