Published: 2015-03-31

Introduction to professor Margaret S.Archer’s Theory

Dorota Leonarska


The purpose of this article is to introduce the Polish reader to the work of Margaret S. Archer, contemporary British sociologist, social theorist, prominent representative of critical realism and analytical dualism.This article provides a brief review of Margaret Archer’s most important publications, in which she has elaborated a complete and coherent social theory. Her research has fundamentally been concerned with the problem of structure and agency, morphogenesisand morphostasis, social change, as well as reflexivity and the internal conversation. Her concepts constitute an important contribution to contemporary social theory and enter into the debate with concepts of other sociologists, such as Anthony Giddens, Pierre Bourdieu or Ulrich Beck, to name but a few.


agency, critical realism, Margaret Archer, morphogenesis, philosophy of social science, social theory

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Leonarska, D. (2015). Introduction to professor Margaret S.Archer’s Theory. Academic Journal of Sociology, 10(1). Retrieved from

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