Published: 2015-03-31

Sociology at a crossroads: The significance of Margaret S. Archer’s Theory

Krzysztof Wielecki


The author presentshis own concept oftypology ofparadigmsin contemporarysociologyand interpretation ofparadigmaticchangesin its history.He showsthe importanceof sociology inthe early days ofits history andtoday.Articledevelopsthe thesis ofcivilizationalcrisisof our times andlosingsociologyin these circumstances.In this context,MargaretS.Archer’stheorycan be understoodas anattempt to create asociologythatdoes not avoid theproblems ofthe present.Itrefersto them andaccompanies them. Similarly asother theoriesof this paradigm which areclassifiedby the authorto the paradigm ofdialecticalsynthesis.However,the Britishsociologistmanages toovercomemanyof the barriers, contradictions, antinomiesandaporiasencountered byother theories. Thiseffectauthorunderstandsas a result ofthe backresttheoryMargaretArcheronthebasis ofdeepphilosophicalandmeta methodologicalreflection, and especially on the groundsof critical realism, whichis, moreover,co-founded by Archer.


paradigmatic dissection, paradigma of dialectic synthesis, civilisational crisis, Margaret Archer

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Wielecki, K. (2015). Sociology at a crossroads: The significance of Margaret S. Archer’s Theory. Academic Journal of Sociology, 10(1). Retrieved from

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