Published: 2015-03-31

Methodology of grounded theory and the theory of Margaret S. Archer

Izabela Bukalska


In the article I posed a question about possibility of using theory of Margaret Archer in the process of generating grounded theory, especially critical realism assumptions (existance of objective reality and possibility to approach it) and perspective ofa human conditions included in the writings of British sociologist. This possibility is excluded when we take into account important recommendation to limit all preconceptualisation at the beginning of a research with the use of grounded theory methodology. However, the works of so-called second generation grounded theorists are written with conscience that such an assumptions exist at least at ontological and epistemological levels. Mentioned theorists moved towards constructivists and postmodernist approach. Assumptions on high levels can be identified also in the works of first generation grounded theorist-Strauss and Glaser. First of them, whose works are shaped by symbolic interactionism is more vulnerable to postmodern tendencies (according to Clarke). The second stays at the position of realism and assumes existance of objective reality and possibility of approaching it.Considerations about using conceptions of reflexivity will be illustrated with the example of my own research conducted according to the grounded theory methodology among leaders of Hungarian minority NGOs. As a result minority condition theory was generated which meant internal disposition to act in a specific way, characteristic to the members of national minority. At some stage of a research it turned out that it’s not possible to respond some questions without articulating some basic assumption about social reality. At that moment organised theory of M. Archer could show which elements of minority condition theory weren’t precise and which questions weren’t posed. This confrontation is important at the stage of returning to the library. It’s certainly very instructive and sensitising, however, its important to keep the serendipity(discovery context) recommended by Strauss and Glaser.


Critical realism, reflexivity, grounded theory methodology, minority condition

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Bukalska, I. (2015). Methodology of grounded theory and the theory of Margaret S. Archer. Academic Journal of Sociology, 10(1). Retrieved from

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