Published: 2015-03-31

Transcendence according to Margaret S. Archer

Ks. Artur Wysocki


The primary objective of this article is to present the concept of transcendence described by M. S. Archer and other co-authors in the book Transcendence. Critical realism and God. In their explanations, they try to remove certain asymmetry that has operated in social sciences for the past two centuries, and which admits a preference for an atheistic worldview in scientific research, recognizing it as an objective one. M. S. Archer et al, building the argumentation on a realistic approach and especially on critical realism developed by Roy Bhaskar, demonstarte unauthorized nature of such assumptions.They try to reintroduce the question of God to rational debate and discussion. As shown by M. S. Archer, the premise is the result of two models of man, dominant in social sciences, two reductionisms, which have removed God from reality. In her argumentation, M. S. Archer draws on the religious experience of two great Western contemplatives: St. John of the Cross and St. Teresa of Jesus. Thanks to this study, she is able to expose a real possibility to analyse religious experience scientifically, paying also attention to the appropriate methodology conformed with the tested subject.


transcendence, M.S. Archer, critical realism, God, models of man, religious experience

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Wysocki, K. A. (2015). Transcendence according to Margaret S. Archer. Academic Journal of Sociology, 10(1). Retrieved from

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