Published: 2015-06-30


Maria Sroczyńska


The members of polish society being more opened at risk of social-cultural risk and relativism of values and norms, experience as well the necessity of reflection (projection of compactness narration of identity). The penetration of private sphere (family, housekeeping) and public (education, occupation, politics) in the life of modern society implicates the challenges women and men relation and traditional way of social roles. Thepatterns of dominate culture are still under the strong influence religious authority, materialistic acumen and need of safety, but more often is the lack of fixed patterns in realization women and men roles and increasing possibility the choice of patterns, norms and styles of living. Although objective (macrostructural) and subjective (for example the effects of “glass ceiling”), indications present the persistence of inequalities of both sexes status. It’s more often noticed practicing “democracy feeling”, support relations between women and men on bothrespect and tolerance. Although in polish society the man is still observed as a specialist of delivery resources, but woman as a specialist of connections and relations, it’s created the space for negotiations about family roles, enrichments them new dimensions man’s and woman’s identity (communication features). The partners model gains in importance, instead of all for women, in younger age groups, amongpersons better educated, citizens of big cities.


women, social and cultural challenges, private sphere, public sphere, patterns of femininity and masculinity in polish society

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Sroczyńska, M. (2015). BYĆ KOBIETĄ W POLSCE…. Academic Journal of Sociology, 11(2). Retrieved from

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