Published: 2017-09-30

Polish’s attitudes towards the norms of civic and social morality

Janusz Mariański


In this article we diagnose the moral awareness of Poles in the context of the declared recognition of norms of civic and social morality. Citizenship refers to civil society and defines the values and norms that characterize it, the norms that regulate the relations of citizens to the state. Social Morality regulates interpersonal relations and functions in small and large social groups and in society as a whole. In the analysis of civic and social morality refered to public opinion polls and sociological studies with awareness that their results are not always fully conclusive.


pluralist society, civic morality, social morality, moral rigour, moral permissiveness and relativism

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Mariański, J. (2017). Polish’s attitudes towards the norms of civic and social morality. Academic Journal of Sociology, 20(3). Retrieved from

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