Published: 2017-12-31

Human dignity as a new paradigm in sociology of morals

Janusz Mariański


While searching for new paradigms of studying morals one should take into account the personalistic approach. The thesis about human dignity should be treated as a general theoretical basis of the sociology of morals. It is only man as a person who is capable of experiencing moral values and norms and ideals related to the sacred (religious values). Although human dignity functions to a certain extent as the main taboo of modern times, sociologists point out that it is in a sense a function of consciousness coming into being. Thus, the experience of dignity is not – in this sense – either universal or always equally binding. The processes of secularization and socio-cultural pluralisation make religion and morality form separate systems for regulating human behavior. Empirical sociology of morals investigates primarily the social dimensions of dignity, including the conditions of its maintenance in society. It distinguishes situations morally degrading for man. For this sub-discipline, it is important not only to try to diagnose, but also to identify solutions and the direction of social change.


human dignity, new paradigm, personalism, sociology of morals

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Mariański, J. (2017). Human dignity as a new paradigm in sociology of morals. Academic Journal of Sociology, 21(4). Retrieved from

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