Published: 2017-12-31

Possibilities of using the components of communication theory in the analysis of contemporary religious and spirituality forms

Agnieszka Zduniak


The article presents some possibilities of applying the principles of communicative theory of religion within the scope of research on religion and new spirituality, as well as discussed doubts related to the use of research postulates resulting from this theory to describe and explain specific phenomena in the field of postmodern religiosity. The communication perspective of the sociology of religion allows the observation of significant transformations taking place in the sphere of religious communication, both institutional and non-institu-tional. In the era of modernization and the blurring of the boundaries of the religious field, it can enable religious-sociological analysis of those phenomena whose religious references are not obvious. The limitation of the communication perspective is that statements that can be formulated on its basis can only refer to a specific socio-cultural context.


religion, new spirituality, religious communication

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Zduniak, A. (2017). Possibilities of using the components of communication theory in the analysis of contemporary religious and spirituality forms. Academic Journal of Sociology, 21(4). Retrieved from

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