Published: 2014-12-31


Rafał Wiśniewski , Marcin Zarzecki


Modern sociology has at its disposal advanced models explaining the origins and dynamics of religious conversion as alternativisation of religious experience on the basis of cultural roots of attractiveness of New Religious Movements. One-dimensional analysis of religious conversion as a result of psychological and social manipulation, brainwashing, snapping by disorganisation of everyday life or the use of charismatic suggestion provides an interpretation for studies of destructive and so-called voracious groups. However, the analysis should be complemented by conversion models considering culture-based needs of individuals actively creating their identity, intertwined in complex relationships and dilemmas related with living in a risk society. Polish society, which shows symptoms of cultural trauma, seems particularly susceptible to types of conversion which only to a small extent use invasive influence techniques. Ongoing processes of (re)construction of Polish society and implementation of new cultural patterns and new lifestyle, or rather lifestyles, constitute environment of permanent change, where religious conversion both strengthens traditional cultural patterns and, at the same time, is a source of drastic identity change.


conversion, sociology of religious conversion, political gnosis, heresy, compensation mechanisms, de-institutionalisation of religion, privatisation of religion

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Wiśniewski, R., & Zarzecki, M. (2014). ETIOLOGIA NADZIEI. O KULTUROWYCH ŹRÓDŁACH KONWERSJI RELIGIJNEJ. Academic Journal of Sociology, 9. Retrieved from

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