Published: 2019-06-30

Towards the material culture. The risk management in the era of postmodernity

Jordan Klimek
Academic Journal of Sociology
Section: Articles


This article is an attempt to answer the question about the current condition of Polish society in the context of reflections on the growth of material culture. The author considers the concept of regress of individual culture. The focus was on verifying of the validity of the theorem on the phenomenon of targeting material values. Attention has been paid to numerous transformations in the social structure, and in particular to the change in the nature of social interactions, weakening of social ties, etc. and the phenomenon of individualization of the society as a direction of accomplishing their own aspirations, ambitions.


consumerism, materialistic culture, ate modernity, sociology of everyday life, lifestyle, life values, risk, risk management

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Klimek, J. (2019). Towards the material culture. The risk management in the era of postmodernity. Academic Journal of Sociology, 24(1), 19–27.

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