Opublikowane: 2022-12-31

Wszystko będzie dobrze w chrześcijańskiej perspektywie cudu

Piotr Sitarski
Załącznik Kulturoznawczy
Dział: Artykuły


The paper analyses Tomasz Wiszniewski’s film Everything’s gonna be OK (Wszystko będzie dobrze). The author argues that the formal dominant of this film is the miracle, both as a narrative technique and as a theological concept. The analysis employs the neoformalist approach to the film and close reading as an analytical tool. The paper argues that while viewers’ expectations are based upon the traditional Christian understanding of miracle (referring to St Thomas), Wiszniewski’s film employs the semiotic approach to miracles. Miracles in Everything’s gonna be OK do not necessarily disrupt the cause-and-effect sequence of film events but rather provide a different understanding of these events, thus engaging viewers in a process of re-evaluating their narrative hypotheses.

Słowa kluczowe:

miracles in narrative, contemporary Polish cinema, Tomasz Wiszniewski, miracles in Christianity

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Zasady cytowania

Sitarski, P. (2022). Wszystko będzie dobrze w chrześcijańskiej perspektywie cudu. Załącznik Kulturoznawczy, (9), 719–731. https://doi.org/10.21697/zk.2022.9.36

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