Opublikowane: 2019-12-31

Happy End, czyli zaciemnianie Hanekego i rozjaśnianie Europy

Konrad Wojnowski
Załącznik Kulturoznawczy
Dział: Artykuły


The subject of this essay is the place and meaning of Michael Haneke’s latest film, Happy End (2017), in his filmography. The author, who analyses the comic strategies in the film, suggests that they express a change in the director’s attitude towards today’s Western European problems, which may be related to the point of view of the representatives of the youngest generation in the middle class – people who use different media and language than their parents.

Słowa kluczowe:

Michael Haneke, critical cinema, cultural criticism, Happy End

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Zasady cytowania

Wojnowski, K. (2019). Happy End, czyli zaciemnianie Hanekego i rozjaśnianie Europy. Załącznik Kulturoznawczy, (6), 473–480. https://doi.org/10.21697/zk.2019.6.24

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