Publication ethics

Principles of Publication Ethics Applicable in the Journal “Cultural Studies Appendix”

The journal operates on the double-blind review system to provide the highest publishing standards. 

I. General Principles

  1. The presented principles of publication ethics concern the authors, reviewers, advisory board, publishing process and the editorial board of the journal Cultural Studies Appendix published by Institute of Classical Philology and Cultural Studies at Faculty of Humanities Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw.
  2. The detailed ethical principles meet the standards developped by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) that are available at

II. Principles Concerning the Editorial Board

  1. The Editorial Board is obliged to make every effort to maintain scientific and ethical standards in the functioning of the journal.
  2. The Editorial Board shall ensure the admission and scientific verification of the article regardless of the authors’ sex, race, nationality or religion.
  3. The Editorial Board appoints at least two independent Reviewers from outside the scientific entity affiliated with the Author of the publication to evaluate each publication. The selection is based on the consistency of the thematic scope of the article and the research interests of the Reviewers.
  4. In case of publication in a foreign language, at least one of the Reviewers shall be affiliated with a foreign institution having its registered office in a country other than the registered office of the scientific entity affiliated with the Author of the publication.
  5. The Editorial Board is responsible for compliance with the rules of the review procedure and any other standards that guarantee the proper quality of the publication’s content. The Editorial Board is responsible for the selection of texts and all activities aimed at improving the publication by the authors.
  6. The Editorial Board reserves the right to interfere with the text in order to adapt it to the formal requirements and conventions in force in the journal, and to eliminate any shortcomings in the scope of language standards. At the same time, the Editorial Board is obliged to inform the Authors about any changes in their texts.
  7. The Editorial Board applies the principle of confidentiality, which is expressed, inter alia, by not disclosing any information about the articles submitted for publication to unauthorized persons.
  8. The Editorial Board takes appropriate steps to counteract deficiencies in the field of publication ethics and eliminate cases of plagiarism, ghostwriting and guest authorship.
  9. The Editorial Board reserves the right to collect and store all information about the detected cases of plagiarism, ghostwriting and guest authorship and to pass it on to appropriate entities (institutions employing the authors, scientific societies, editorial boards of scientific publications).
  10.   In case of a decision not to publish the submitted paper, the Editorial Board must not use it in any way at a later date without the written consent of the Author.

III. Author-related Principles

  1. The publications submitted by the Authors should be original and not violate the copyrights of other persons. The Author is obliged to indicate other authors’ works used in the article by correct quoting and marking the quotations, as well as preparing footnotes and bibliography. The Author is also obliged to take care of obtaining rights to publish illustrations, diagrams and tables used in the article.
  2. The Editorial Board accepts only papers previously unpublished and not submitted for publication in other journals.
  3. The Editorial Board obliges the Authors of the publication to disclose the contribution of individual persons – in cases where such a contribution exists – to the creation of the submitted text (with the affiliation and contribution, i.e. information on who is the author of the concept, assumptions, methods, etc.). The main responsibility is borne by the Author submitting the publication. Lack of information on the contribution of other authors is implicitly considered as a declaration that the article was written without such a contribution.
  4. In case of articles with co-authors, the Author who maintains contact with the editorial board determines the percentage contribution of other persons to the creation of the text.
  5. The Author is obliged to provide all sources of funding for research being the basis for the content of the article or the participation of scientific research institutions, as well as to mention publications, persons or legal arrangements that influenced the nature and results of the work.
  6. The Author is obliged to comply with the formal and technical requirements of the journal.
  7. The Author has the right to obtain information on the course of the review process and the approximate date of publication of the paper.
  8. The Authors, after receiving the review, are obliged to introduce the suggested changes and corrections, otherwise the editorial board may reject the paper.
  9. In case of detection of substantial errors in the paper already published, the author is obliged to send an appropriate correction.

IV. Reviewer-related Principles

  1. Reviewers shall evaluate the papers in accordance with the standards of reliability and objectivity.
  2. Reviewers, when formulating objections against the assessed text, are obliged to justify them.
  3. Reviews in the journal Cultural Studies Appendix are anonymous and are carried out in compliance with the principle of double-blind review.
  4. Reviewers cannot evaluate the papers in case if which there is a conflict of interest resulting from competition, cooperation or other relationships with authors, companies or institutions related to the article.
  5. Each article qualified by the editorial board for the review stage receives two independent reviews. The editorial board shall ensure that the Reviewers are selected in accordance with their competence in the subject matter of the article being reviewed.
  6. The review shall be prepared on a standardised form placed on the journal’s website and sent in an electronic version (signed scan of the review form together with its editable version) to the address of the editorial board. The review form contains three possible conclusions: positive (acceptance for printing), positive conditional (acceptance for printing after introducing suggested amendments) and negative (non-acceptance for printing).
  7. In case of two conflicting conclusions (one positive or positive conditional and one negative), the Editorial Board may decide to accept or reject the text for publication, and is obliged to justify the decision in writing, or to appoint a third super reviewer to whom it will make the text of the article and previous reviews available.

V. Principles Concerning the Advisory Board

  1. The Advisory Board of the journal is a consultative body of the Editorial Board.
  2. The Advisory Board participates in the evaluation of the journal’s activities and development.

VI. Principles Governing the Publishing Process

  1. The electronic version of the journal is its original version.
  2. The access to the full content of the journal is open.
  3. The materials published in Cultural Studies Appendix are licensed under Creative Commons: Authorship Recognition-Non-commercial Use-No Derivative Works 3.0 Poland (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 PL). By sending the article to the journal, the Author consents by default to the publication of the text in accordance with the terms of this license.
  4. The content quoted from Cultural Studies Appendix should be accompanied by accurate information about the source of their origin.

Our peer review process and ethical statement meet COPE guidelines.

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