Pubblicato il: 2018-12-31

O propagandzie w Polskiej Kronice Filmowej (na podstawie komentarza narracyjnego z lat 1971-1975)

Małgorzata Ciunovič
Załącznik Kulturoznawczy
Sezione: Artykuły


The aim of the article is to show how persuasion intertwined with artistry in the Polish Film Chronicle [Polska Kronika Filmowa]. The years 1971-1975 were a period of a relative stability; a time in which the voice of the authors could break through even in the texts primarily used for language manipulation. Therefore, it is worth looking at the linguistic realisation of persuasive aims, as well as at the genre features of the Chronicle, which testify to its uniqueness in comparison to other journalistic genres.

Regole di citazione

Ciunovič, M. (2018). O propagandzie w Polskiej Kronice Filmowej (na podstawie komentarza narracyjnego z lat 1971-1975). Załącznik Kulturoznawczy, (5), 77–92.

