Published: 2023-12-30

Ołtarze z dawnego kościoła Bernardynek Świętej Trójcy w Kownie XVII w. – 1864 r. Zarys problematyki

Aušra Vasiliauskienė
Artifex Novus
Section: Artykuły tematyczne


The present article deals, as far as the surviving sources and valuables allow, with the analysis of the altar ensemble at the Kaunas Church of the Holy Trinity of the former Bernardine Nunnery until its closure in 1864, focusing on the expression of spirituality in ecclesiastical art. The following objectives were set: to perform the reconstruction of the former interior of the altar ensemble, to bring to light the most important peculiarities of the Bernardine Sisters’ spirituality, and, through the icono-theological approach, to highlight logical links between art and Bernardine spirituality in the ecclesiastical art.


Kaunas, the Church of the Holy Trinity, the Bernardine Nunnery, the Bernardines, the Franciscans, altars, iconography

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Vasiliauskienė, A. (2023). Ołtarze z dawnego kościoła Bernardynek Świętej Trójcy w Kownie XVII w. – 1864 r. Zarys problematyki. Artifex Novus, (7), 150–173.

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