Published: 2016-11-17

Formation of the preventive system in the period of John Bosco activity – social and political context

Pedagogical Forum
Section: Chronicle


The aim of this article is to show the social and political factors affecting the formation of the Salesian preventive system. The article was based on funda- mental sources, first of all, on memories of Jan Bosco and his apprentice, John Bonetti. The period of John Bosco’s activity was a time of crucial political and social changes on the Italian territory, especially in Piemont, where Bosco lived. In the article, there are presented examples of the influence of these changes on John Bosco’s activity and on the formation of the preventive system.


preventive system, John Bosco, policy, society, Church, young people, Salesians

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PISKUREWICZ, J. (2016). Formation of the preventive system in the period of John Bosco activity – social and political context. Pedagogical Forum, 5(2), 171–180.

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