Published: 2018-04-06

Creating reflective knowledge in pedagogical studies : Dillemas–contexts–references points

Henryk Mizerek
Pedagogical Forum
Section: Topic


The author has attempted to analyse the process of creating knowledge in education, which meets the methodological rigor of scientific knowledge and at the same time is socially useful. The starting point of the reflections presented in the paper is the concept of science called mode - 2 science. This model was presented in the context of the principles of knowledge creation postulated by the classical, neo-positivistic paradigm. The main part of the article is an analysis of the concept of reflexive educational knowledge. The author presents epistemological and methodological dilemmas related to the creation of this type of knowledge in educational research and the role of general pedagogy.


reflexivity, methodology of educational research, mode-2 science, knowledge production

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Mizerek, H. (2018). Creating reflective knowledge in pedagogical studies : Dillemas–contexts–references points. Pedagogical Forum, 8(1), 213–227.

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