Published: 2001-06-30

Symbols, Signs and Gestures in the Liturgical Celebration

Adam Durak
Seminare. Learned Investigations
Section: Theology


Adam Durak, Polish liturgist, in his article discusses the great wealth of! world of symbols, signs and gestures in the liturgical celebration of the Church. After explaining in briefly the anthropological, biblical and liturgical meaning of the signs and gestures, the author asserts first of all how the sacramental signs and liturgical gestures associated with them create a particular language liturgical. Knowledge of this language is very important for viva e frutluoM participation in the liturgy. Unfortunately among the faithful the discovery of the language of signs and gestures it's still not adequate. Through his study, Don Durak guides us first to the discovery of Christ as a Sacrament and then to His Church as a Sacrament. Recalling then, rich and diversified liturgical context, the author studies how the sacraments of the Church are presented to the faithful in as the saving signs of the presence of Christ. In the end, basing on the readings of the known scholars on this problem, the author proposes to deepen knowledge of the momio of symbols, signs and gestures according to indicated criteria.

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Durak, A. (2001). Symbols, Signs and Gestures in the Liturgical Celebration. Seminare. Learned Investigations, 17, 117–124.

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