Published: 2014-07-01

Prawa rodziców oczekujących dziecka

Paulina Sławicka , Piotr Sławicki
Studia nad Rodziną
Section: Artykuły


This article discusses the matter of rights of parents expecting a baby. The main objective of this publication is to introduce the list of rights vested in parents prior to the birth of their child. these rights are diversified and regulated in various legal acts as well as internal regulations. The above mentioned rights are of a protective nature and refer principally to pregnant women. the purpose of regulations is to ensure safety for pregnant women and a newborn child. one of their function is to provide mother and child health protection, another one is to help women during pregnancy. first of all, the definition of parents expecting a baby will be introduced. then, the rights of pregnant women, as regulated in labour law, family and custody law as well as other branches of law will be presented. furthermore, man’s right to declare parentage under the family and guardianship Code will be depicted.


parents expecting a baby, the rights of parents expecting a baby, the rights of pregnant women

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Sławicka, P., & Sławicki, P. (2014). Prawa rodziców oczekujących dziecka. Studia Nad Rodziną, 18(1(34), 217–229.

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