Positive childbirth experience in relation to selected factors related to the course of childbirth

Mariola Marciniak , Iwona Szymusik , Marta Marciniak , Zuzanna Zawadzka , Barbara Baranowska , Justyna Stępkowska
Studia nad Rodziną
Section: Artykuły


The aim of the study is to describe the childbirth experience of women in relation to selected factors and to analyse the factors that, in the opinion of women giving birth, significantly affect the experience of childbirth. The survey was conducted using a proprietary questionnaire disseminated via the Internet. It was conducted in the period of January-February 2019. The inclusion criterion was the birth of a live child in the last 5 years. Analysis was conducted based on properly completed questionnaires. Results were presented using descriptive statistics and the analysis was performed using statistical tests: Chi-square, Anova, Spearman correlation, Tukey HSD test, statistical significance assumed at p <0.05. Answers provided by 239 women were analysed. One-third of respondents assessed their childbirth experience as positive. Assessment of the experience was influenced by the type of childbirth. Women giving birth by nature assessed the childbirth experience (42.8%) more positively than women undergoing caesarean section (20.9%). Confidence in your feelings during childbirth is a factor directly affecting childbirth experience. The average assessment of the delivery experience for women, who trust themselves is 6.73, in contrast to those who did not have it - 3.92. Respondents specified important factors taken into account in the assessment of childbirth experience, which were the presence of an accompanying person, medical care and access to information on the course of childbirth and condition of the child.Efforts should be made to support childbirth and to reduce the percentage of Caesarean sections, to care for relationships based on proper communication between the personnel and mothers, to support women in trusting their own body and their feelings because they have positive influence on the assessment of childbirth experience.


childbirth, birth experience, course of childbirth

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Marciniak, M., Szymusik, I., Marciniak, M., Zawadzka, Z., Baranowska, B., & Stępkowska, J. (2019). Positive childbirth experience in relation to selected factors related to the course of childbirth. Studia Nad Rodziną, 23(1(51), 11–24. https://doi.org/10.21697/snr.2019.51.1.02

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