Opublikowane: 2023-12-31

The Complicated Pop-cultural Legacy of Figura Christi. Mythologization of the Christ Narrative in the Context of Current Christian Philosophy

Maciej Jemioł
Studia Philosophiae Christianae
Dział: Artykuły naukowe


Reflecting on the many challenges facing Christianity as a religion, and particularly Christian philosophy as a way of thinking in modern, strange and unfamiliar times, one encounters time and again the grim realization that many of such challenges are simply
provided by the current culture, the cultural sphere. Without idealizing Europe’s Christocentric culture and remembering that it was not homogeneous, we must recognize that it once existed, it was the ruling cultural norm. Today, such norms are indeed very different and vary greatly depending on the geographic region we have in mind and change from decade to decade. After the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, modernity and the postmodern era, we observe that what governs our cultural world today is pluralism more than anything else. But there are still some traces of Christocentrism in our culture and in what it has become during this period, namely popular culture. Among other aspects, research has focused on the analysis of one idea – that of the Christ-figure, which has come a long way from theology to culture to pop culture over the centuries. In this article, I will try to show why this complicated legacy can be seen, at least in part, as a challenge to Christianity in light of contemporary Christian philosophy.


Received: 14/03/2023. Reviewed: 16/04/2023. Accepted: 30/04/2023.

Słowa kluczowe:

Christocentricity, Christian philosophy, Christ-figure, pop-culture, mythologization

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Zasady cytowania

Jemioł, M. (2023). The Complicated Pop-cultural Legacy of Figura Christi. Mythologization of the Christ Narrative in the Context of Current Christian Philosophy. Studia Philosophiae Christianae, 59(2), 119–140. https://doi.org/10.21697/spch.2023.59.A.13

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