Published: 2019-03-28

Sylwia Kłosowicz, O wierności wydarzeniu. Studium na temat poglądów etycznych Alaina Badiou, Liberi Libri, Warszawa 2016 (rev.)

Julia Rejewska
Studia Philosophiae Christianae
Section: Reviews and Reports


In her book, Sylwia Kłosowicz proves that Badiou's thought, while not being free from weaknesses, turns out to be worthy of attention. In a world engulfed by postmodern conviction that truth is impossible to reach, the French thinker wants to explain this world from beginning to end, using logic. This admirable desire to restore rationality to the world is revealed in his work.


Alain Badiou, ethics, freedom

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Rejewska, J. (2019). Sylwia Kłosowicz, O wierności wydarzeniu. Studium na temat poglądów etycznych Alaina Badiou, Liberi Libri, Warszawa 2016 (rev.). Studia Philosophiae Christianae, 53(4), 131–138.

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