Published: 2016-03-31

The ageing of the European society - measurements tool

Martyna Kawińska


In the reflection about old age and aging, comes one question to the mind, can we predict today the exact changes which it brings, referring to one person and the whole society? It seems incredibly hard, because whole human life, also the old age, is changeable in time and space. The old age can be surprising, that is important to prepare up to it and relive it through the way, to make crucial additional value to the life. In this way the important meaning should be assigned to the conscious preparation to the old age, and for that can be used, for example tool which measures the actual level of involvement in to aging process in particular countries. The foreseeability of old age and preparation for it are important areas of senior politics, which is responsible for restriction the negative and promotion of positive life aspects in the old age.


old age, aging, dependency ratio, activity, the value of the old age

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Kawińska, M. (2016). The ageing of the European society - measurements tool. Academic Journal of Sociology, 14(1). Retrieved from

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