Published: 2015-03-31

Continuation of the dispute over the method of realistic philosophyand critical realism

Marcin Zarzecki


Realistic philosophy by questioning realistic idealism, rationalism, constructivism or solipsistic relativism makes an autonomy of the world with respect to its social constructs fundamental issue. Therefore Margaret Archer interprets the weberian concept of historical religious systems impact on the constitution of capitalism as an example morphogenetic cycle. She consequently eliminates the methodological individualism and methodological collectivism of social sciences, and unequivocally rejects weberian constructivist inclusions.Margaret Archer’s metatheory is part of a classic dispute over the methods of knowledge in the social sciences (Methodenstreit) and to a large extent is a contemporary variation, or a development of fundamental conflict in the understanding of relation of social sciences (or humanistic "sciences of the spirit" -Geisteswissenschaften), to natural sciences ( Naturwissenschaften).Referringto the dilemmas of her predecessors, Margaret Archer affirms elements of their theories leading to the opinion of irreducibility of perceived world. At the same time she accepts the neo-Kantian, phenomenological, hermeneutic, etnometodological and interpretive doubt with respect to the objectivity of the cognitive tools enabling to catch aspects of reality. In the morphogenetic approach of Margaret Archer popperian perspective is revealed which emphasizes analytical function of the cultural level in causal perceiving. Archer transforms the popperian conception in the spirit of Marxist functionalist approach of David Lockwood seeking to integrate social systems with the idea of social conflict.


methodology, morphogenesis, Margaret Archer, John Searle

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Zarzecki, M. (2015). Continuation of the dispute over the method of realistic philosophyand critical realism. Academic Journal of Sociology, 10(1). Retrieved from

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