Published: 2017-06-30

Call for integral protection of biocultural diversity

Ryszard F. Sadowski


The contemporary ecological crisis compels us to undertake research and adopt measures that will ensure the sustainable development of humanity. The main point here is that while satisfying the needs of current generations, it is necessary to respect the needs of future generations as well as nature’s capabilities. Works on a concept of development that would allow this task to be accomplished have been carried out for the last several decades. They resulted in the formulation of the still-evolving idea of sustainable development. With the current state of knowledge, it seems vital that this idea should comprise protection of biocultural diver-sity since, as clearly evidenced by the research conducted, the interrelated biological, cultural and linguistic diversity affects development. This article aims at highlighting the necessity of incorporating biocultural diversity into the idea of sustainable development and it points out the need for integral concern for the diversity of Earth’s heritage. Only integral care of all types of diversity gives hope for the protection of each of them and increases the chances of building a sustainable world.


biocultural diversity, biodiversity, cultural diversity, linguistic diversity, sustainable development

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Sadowski, R. F. (2017). Call for integral protection of biocultural diversity. Academic Journal of Sociology, 19(2). Retrieved from

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