Published: 2018-12-03

The Perception of Sacrum in the Traditional and Contemporary Culture

Halina Mielicka-Pawłowska


Based on the phenomenology concepts included in the works of Mircea Eliade, Rudolf Otto and Emil Durkheim, a comparison of beliefs systems was compiled reflecting the perceptions of sacrumin XIX century, the first half and the end of XX century, as well as at the beginning of XXI century. The traditional system of beliefs, based on the ethnographic and folk material, was characterized by the rule of solidarity combining the perception of God, nature and human beings. As opposed to this, the rule of antisacrumwas conceptualized in the demonological beliefs, the belief in the devil and cosmic chaos when the rule of solidarity combining God, human beings and nature was infringed. The scheme of contemporary beliefs of the beginning of XXI century, specified sacrumthrough the relation of God with nature, treated as a guarantee of the existence of the world. A human being opposes this order when destroying nature which is treated as moral evil, but also when he creates an ideal, virtual reality, described as avatar which is juxtaposed with the order of the Universe as set by God. The perceptions of antisacrumcover the human beliefs that the infringement of solidarity connecting God (the Absolute, the Transcendence) and nature is a result of human activity that creates his own reality and in this way contributes to the occurrence of the end of the world.


sacrum, antisacrum, traditional culture, contemporary culture

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Mielicka-Pawłowska, H. (2018). The Perception of Sacrum in the Traditional and Contemporary Culture. Academic Journal of Sociology, 13(4). Retrieved from

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