Published: 2018-12-03

Voluntary simplicity as a case of implicit religion

Andrzej Kasperek


What is discussed in this study are the issues of the spiritual-religious dimension of voluntary simplicity and minimalism. So far, the subject matter of voluntary simplicity has been in focus of the representatives of social sciences, including sociology, in the perspective of promoting the anti-consumerist attitude. The author suggests viewing these cultural movements as some examples of implicit religion. Two standpoints are combined there: the sociological and anthropological one. By the case of the spirituality of simplicity, an attempt is made to undertake the problems of relocation of sacrum, with particular attention paid to the phenomenon of antropophania and mindfulness.


implicit religion, voluntary simplicity, minimalism, mindfulness

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Kasperek, A. (2018). Voluntary simplicity as a case of implicit religion. Academic Journal of Sociology, 13(4). Retrieved from

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