Published: 2018-12-03

The phenomenon of holiness in opinion of youth (in the sociological researches view)

Ewa Miszczak


Holiness is a concept and phenomenon, which has been shaped over millennia of mankind religious activity. On the basis of various religions Holiness is identified with a single deity, pantheon of deities, God, demiurge, which assigns all the excellence non-available to man and absolute transcendence in relation to the created world, including human beings. Many religious systems have always pointed out the existence in a phenomenon called the holiness two coexisting elements: terror (terrifying mystery) andfascination (the mystery of attracting). These two elements point to complete the uniqueness and individuality of Holiness (the sacrum) from world created and governing specific behavior to it, containing symbols of submission, servitude and rituals of safety. Nowadays it can be seen the transformation of the meaning of the concept of holiness, and respect of individuals and human groups to this phenomenon. One can say that currently in some areas of social life the Holiness ceases to be holy in the sense given to it by the tradition of classic theological interpretation. Particularly it can be seen the decomposition of attitudes towards the holiness among young people, often contesting traditional religious observance and practiced faith. This issue is an attempt to answer the question, how modern young people living in the area of the Lublin region refer to the holiness: that is how to understand, interpret, evaluate and seek it.


modern religiosity, holiness, youth

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Miszczak, E. (2018). The phenomenon of holiness in opinion of youth (in the sociological researches view). Academic Journal of Sociology, 13(4). Retrieved from

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