Pubblicato il: 2023-09-29

Kategoria możliwości w myśli i pisarstwie Sørena Kierkegaarda

Edward Kasperski
Załącznik Kulturoznawczy
Sezione: Artykuły


The article presents the category of possibility, inferred from Kierkegaard’s works as one of primary for him. Contexts, responsible for both the typology of the concept, as well as an extension of its semantics and hermeneutical capabilities, situate at the same time the notion of possibility within the limits of modern and contemporary reflection on culture. The philosophical and theological existence of possibility as a basis for subjective recognition of the world of category culture, finally leads to the anthropological approach, in which the choice of will is being contrasted with externally interpreted histories and philosophies recognized in the spirit of historical Hegelianism.Reflections on the ‘opportunity’ define and expand the concept itself, and in a way they also affect the individualistic figure of the philosopher-writer, whom turns out to be Kiekegaard. They bring out the specificities not only in the field of writing, but also polemics and dialogue. Having allowed us to understand the polemical nature of the notion of possibility, he showsculture – not only romantic and incoherent, but also contemporary, full of possibility, based on the choice of the path belonging to an entity participating in culture (believing, philosophizing, writing, operating, communicating with other

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Regole di citazione

Kasperski, E. (2023). Kategoria możliwości w myśli i pisarstwie Sørena Kierkegaarda. Załącznik Kulturoznawczy, (3), 226–253.

