Pubblicato il: 2020-12-31

Na przekór formatowi. Kilka uwag o polskim dramacie współczesnym

Jacek Kopciński
Załącznik Kulturoznawczy
Sezione: Artykuły


The author of the essay reflects on the original shape of Polish contemporary dramaturgy, which ostentatiously breaks the known genre rules at the level of language, style, composition, construction of the protagonist and the presented world. He lists many reasons for this, focusing on the surprising relationship between contemporary drama and the format of popular television series produced in soap opera style. This is a negative relation - the authors who write TV scripts on a daily basis ostentatiously deny the use of the series’ formats in their dramatic texts. Thus, in Polish contemporary culture, we observe an interesting tension with the conventionalized, yet extremely popular formula of the series and the very avant-garde, and at the same time exclusive poetics of many Polish theater plays. This tension concerns both aesthetic and worldview. While the series propose a rather conservative vision of the world, contemporary plays eagerly revise it from a liberal or leftist perspective. The negative reference to the poetics of the drama series allows us to capture many of its characteristic features, such as hybridity, transgression and criticality.

Regole di citazione

Kopciński, J. (2020). Na przekór formatowi. Kilka uwag o polskim dramacie współczesnym. Załącznik Kulturoznawczy, (7), 605–617.

